Net Zero Solar is a Full-Service Solar Installation Company

Let’s Change Arizona through Energy Policy!

A Critical Part of Our Future

When you hear “energy policy,” what comes to mind? Do you think of lawyers and regulators sitting in drab rooms, interminable questions about arcane matters, and stacks and stacks of paper, with all this conducted over months and months? Does “boring” seem a fitting descriptor?

In some sense, this is true. Energy policy, like any public policy, is typically a long, deliberative process, conducted within a legal framework, with many stakeholders who hold diverse opinions. If we focus only on the process, it can seem boring. But that’s wrong. The illusion masks the actual nature of energy policythis work is how we get to a better energy future! We have the choice to fundamentally change how we generate and use electricity, or to remain in the old paradigm that no longer serves either the desires of consumers or greater societal goals.

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